If you plan to add One or Multiple NEW MODULEs to your profile 2.0,
just follow the below Instruction:
Wenn du vorhast Ein oder Mehrere MODULe zu deinem Profil 2.0
hinzuzufügen, folge einfach die folgende Instruktion:
Add the below "HTML Table" code in your "About Me/Meet/Interests":
<div class="moduleTop">
<div class="moduleMid"><div class="moduleMid1"><div class="moduleMid2">
<h3 class="moduleHead"><span><span> NEW MODULE'S TITLE </span></span></h3>
Content Here / Inhalt Hier
(Image, Text, Video etc.)
<div class="moduleBodyEnd"></div></div></div></div></div>
<div class="moduleBottom"><div><div></div></div></div>
Add the below code in your Field:
.KhAk {Position The Contact Table Module}
div.KhAkNewModule1 {width:310px;
position:absolute; left:50%;
margin-left:-460px; top:500px;
_margin-left:-460px; _top:470px;
Replace "NEW MODULE'S TITLE" with your own "Module Title".
☼- Change the number "1" to 2, 3, 4 etc., if you want to add multiple Modules on your profile.
You must also do the same change in the HTML code [⇑].
☼- "310" Changes the width of the new module.
☼- "-460" Moves the module to the left/right. You can also use a positive number.
☼- "500" Moves the module up/down.
☼- Adjust _margin-left and _top numbers to fix the position on "Internet Explorer" (6,7 !).
Ersetze "NEW MODULE'S TITLE" mit deinem eigenen "Modultitel".
☼- Ändere die Zahl "1" in 2, 3, 4 etc., wenn du vorhast multiple Module auf deinem profil einzufügen.
Dieselbe Änderung musst du dann aber auch in den HTML code vornehmen[⇑].
☼- "310" ändert die Breite des neuen Moduls.
☼- "-460" verschiebt das Modul nach links/rechts. Du kannst auch eine positive zahl benutzen.
☼- "500" verschiebt das Modul nach oben/unten.
☼- Passe _margin-left und _top Zahlen um die position in "Internet Explorer" (6,7 !) zu korrigieren.
Create Space Above/Below One Of Your Modules To Position The New Module There:
Adjust the number "200", and add the code of your choice into the Field:
.KhAk {Free Space Above Basic Info}
div.basicInfoModule {margin-top:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Below Basic Info}
div.basicInfoModule {margin-bottom:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Above Post Comment Module}
div.postCommentModule {margin-top:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Below Post Comment Module}
div.postCommentModule {margin-bottom:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Above Music Player}
div.musicPlayerModule {margin-top:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Below Music Player}
div.musicPlayerModule {margin-bottom:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Above Groups Module}
div.groupsModule {margin-top:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Below Groups Module}
div.groupsModule {margin-bottom:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Above Interests}
div.interestsModule {margin-top:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Below Details}
div.interestsModule {margin-bottom:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Above Details}
div.detailsModule {margin-top:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Below Details}
div.detailsModule {margin-bottom:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Above Blogs}
div.blogsModule {margin-top:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Below Blogs}
div.blogsModule {margin-bottom:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Above Friends}
div.friendSpaceModule {margin-top:200px;}
.KhAk {Free Space Below Friends}
div.friendSpaceModule {margin-bottom:200px;}