Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009

If you plan to add a myspace 1.0 contact table on your profile 2.0,
   just follow the below Instruction:

Wenn du vorhast eine Myspace 1.0 Kontakttabelle zu deinem Profil 2.0
   hinzuzufüge, folge einfach die folgende Instruktion:


First, we hide the Myspace "Contact Links", and format the headline, cells etc. of the new contact table.

zunächst werden Myspace "Kontakt-Links" versteckt und die Überschrift und Zellen etc. der neuen Kontakttabellen formatiert.

Add the below code in your Field:

.KhAk {Hide Myspace Contact Links}
div.basicInfoModule ul.contactLinks {display:none;}

.KhAk {Add Bg Image To Contact Table}
div.KhAkCT table {width:300px; height:150px; padding:0;
background-image:url("YOUR IMAGE URL");
background-position:center center;

div.KhAkCT td {width:150px; height:38px; text-align:left; padding:0;}
div.KhAkCT td a img {width:130px; height:32px; margin:0; padding:0;}

div.KhAkCT {width:300px; background-color:black; text-align:center;}
div.KhAkCT table {margin-top:7px;}

.KhAk {Formating The Title - Contacting XX}
div.KhAkCT p.title { color:white; font-family:tahoma; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;}

.KhAk {Add Borders To The New Contact Table}
div.KhAkCT {border:1px solid Gray;}
div.KhAkCT table {border-top:1px solid Gray;}

☼- Replace it with your own contact table image.
- You can find HERE a Collection of design contact tables.
- Copy/paste the "Code" of your selected image into a simple text editor.
  Then, grab the "Image URL", and insert it into the above code.

☼- Change background color of the headline area.
☼- Format the headline "Contacting XX".
☼- Adjust the Border around your new contact table.

Add the below "HTML Table" code in your "About Me/Meet/Interests":

<div class="KhAkCT">
  <p class="title"> Contacting KhAk's Design </p>


  <td colspan="1" style="text-align:left;"><a href="URL for Mail Me"><img src="http://x.myspace.com/images/clear.gif" /></a></td>
  <td colspan="1" style="text-align:right;"><a href="URL for Forward "><img src="http://x.myspace.com/images/clear.gif" /></a></td>

  <td colspan="1" style="text-align:left;"><a href="URL for Add Me"><img src="http://x.myspace.com/images/clear.gif" /></a></td>
  <td colspan="1" style="text-align:right;"><a href="URL for Favorite "><img src="http://x.myspace.com/images/clear.gif" /></a></td>

  <td colspan="1" style="text-align:left;"><a href="URL for My HomeP."><img src="http://x.myspace.com/images/clear.gif" /></a></td>
  <td colspan="1" style="text-align:right;"><a href="URL for Block Me "><img src="http://x.myspace.com/images/clear.gif" /></a></td>

  <td colspan="1" style="text-align:left;"><a href="URL for Invite Me"><img src="http://x.myspace.com/images/clear.gif" /></a></td>
  <td colspan="1" style="text-align:right;"><a href="URL for Ranke Me "><img src="http://x.myspace.com/images/clear.gif" /></a></td>


Replace "Contacting KhAk's Design" with your own "Profile Name".

☼- Replace "URL For..."s with the "URL"s to the related pages.
   You can find HERE a list of contact table URLs, and a help how-to about "FriendID".

Ersetze "Contacting KhAk's Design" mit deinem eigenen "ProfilNamen".

☼- Ersetze die "URL For..."s mit den "URL"s zu den entsprechenden Seiten.
   Eine Liste der Kontakt-tabellen-URLs und was ein "FriendID" ist, findest du HERE.

K_FlechtDiv_D Design Divider K_FlechtDiv_D

Add the below code in your Field:

.KhAk {Position The New Contact Table}
div.KhAkCT {position:absolute; left:50%;
margin-left:-460px; top:500px;
_margin-left:-460px; _top:470px;

☼- "-460" Moves the table left/right. You can also use a positive number.
☼- "500" Moves the table up/down.
☼- Adjust _margin-left and _top numbers to fix the position on "Internet Explorer" (6,7).

Make A Space Above/Below One Of Your Modules To Position The New Contact Table There:

Adjust the number "200", and add the code of your choice into the Field:

.KhAk {Free Space Above Basic Info}
div.basicInfoModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Basic Info}
div.basicInfoModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Post Comment Module}
div.postCommentModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Post Comment Module}
div.postCommentModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Music Player}
div.musicPlayerModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Music Player}
div.musicPlayerModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Groups Module}
div.groupsModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Groups Module}
div.groupsModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Interests}
div.interestsModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Details}
div.interestsModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Details}
div.detailsModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Details}
div.detailsModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Blogs}
div.blogsModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Blogs}
div.blogsModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Friends}
div.friendSpaceModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Friends}
div.friendSpaceModule {margin-bottom:200px;}


Welcome To KhAk's Design - Profile 2.0 ----- Enjoy! Copyright 2006-2010 by KhAk