Montag, 20. Juli 2009

If you plan to add a myspace 1.0 contact table on your profile 2.0,
   just follow the below Instruction:

Wenn du vorhast eine Myspace 1.0 Kontakttabelle zu deinem Profil 2.0
   hinzuzufüge, folge einfach die folgende Instruktion:


First, we hide the Myspace "Contact Links", and format the headline, cells etc. of the new contact table.

zunächst werden Myspace "Kontakt-Links" versteckt und die Überschrift und Zellen etc. der neuen Kontakttabellen formatiert.

Add the below code in your Field:

.KhAk {Hide Myspace Contact Links}
div.basicInfoModule ul.contactLinks {display:none;}

.KhAk {Formatting Table Cells etc.}
div.KhAkCT, div.KhAkCT table {width:300px; background-color:black;}
div.KhAkCT th {background-color:black; padding:5px; text-align:center;
color:white; font-family:tahoma; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;}
div.KhAkCT td a img {width:150px;}

.KhAk {Add Borders To The New Contact Table}
div.KhAkCT {border:1px solid Gray;}
div.KhAkCT th {border-bottom:1px solid Gray;}

Change it to the same color as your images.
Format the headline "Contacting XX".

Adjust the Border around your new contact table.

Add the below "HTML Table" code in your "About Me/Meet/Interests":

<div class="KhAkCT">

  <th colspan="2">Contacting KhAk's Design</th>

  <td colspan="1">Mail Me</td>
  <td colspan="1">Forward</td>

  <td colspan="1">Add Me</td>
  <td colspan="1">Favorites</td>

  <td colspan="1">My HomeP.</td>
  <td colspan="1">Block Me</td>

  <td colspan="1">Invite Me</td>
  <td colspan="1">Rank Me</td>


Replace "Contacting KhAk's Design" with your own "Profile Name".
- Make sure you have "Eight Inscribed Images" with exactly the "Same Size" (150 x 30px), like:

Ersetze "Contacting KhAk's Design" mit deinem eigenen "ProfilNamen".
- Vergewissere dich, du hast "Acht Beschriftete Bilder" mit exakt "Derselben Größe" (150 x 30px), wie z.B.:

Myspace Original Icons
Click to grab the URL of each Image

Insert the Image Links with the below "HTML Code" in your "Table Cells" where it says Mail Me/Add Me etc.,
and replace the URLs with your own.
- You can find HERE a list of contact table URLs, and a help how-to about "FriendID".

Füge die Link Bilder mit dem folgenden "HTML Code" in die "Tabellen-Zellen", wo es Mail Me/Add Me etc. steht,
ein und ersetze die URLs mit deinen eigenen..
- Eine Liste der Kontakt-tabellen-URLs und was ein "FriendID" ist, findest du HERE.

<a href="Page URL"><img src="Image URL"></a>

K_FlechtDiv_D Design Divider K_FlechtDiv_D

Add the below code in your Field:

.KhAk {Position The New Contact Table}
div.KhAkCT {position:absolute; left:50%;
margin-left:-460px; top:500px;
_margin-left:-460px; _top:470px;

☼- "-460" Moves the table left/right. You can also use a positive number.
☼- "500" Moves the table up/down.
☼- Adjust _margin-left and _top numbers to fix the position on "Internet Explorer" (6,7).

Make A Space Above/Below One Of Your Modules To Position The New Contact Table There:

Adjust the number "200", and add the code of your choice into the Field:

.KhAk {Free Space Above Basic Info}
div.basicInfoModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Basic Info}
div.basicInfoModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Post Comment Module}
div.postCommentModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Post Comment Module}
div.postCommentModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Music Player}
div.musicPlayerModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Music Player}
div.musicPlayerModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Groups Module}
div.groupsModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Groups Module}
div.groupsModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Interests}
div.interestsModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Details}
div.interestsModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Details}
div.detailsModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Details}
div.detailsModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Blogs}
div.blogsModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Blogs}
div.blogsModule {margin-bottom:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Above Friends}
div.friendSpaceModule {margin-top:200px;}

.KhAk {Free Space Below Friends}
div.friendSpaceModule {margin-bottom:200px;}


Welcome To KhAk's Design - Profile 2.0 ----- Enjoy! Copyright 2006-2010 by KhAk