.K {Hide Player But Keep Playing Music}
div.musicPlayerModule {width:100px; height:1px;
position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px;
filter:alpha(opacity=0.00); -moz-opacity:0.00; opacity:0.00;}
Make sure your "Player" is set to "
.K {Unhide MS Player Header}
div.musicPlayerModule h3.moduleHead {display: block; margin-bottom:10px; width:290px;}
.K {Center MS Player Title}
div.musicPlayerModule h3.moduleHead {text-align:center;}
.K {Change Color of MS Player Title}
div.musicPlayerModule h3.moduleHead span span {color:red;}
.K {Transparent Background Of Player Header}
div.musicPlayerModule h3.moduleHead {background-color:transparent;}
.K {Change Background Color Of MS Player Header}
div.musicPlayerModule h3.moduleHead {background-color:yellow;}
.K {Add Background Image To MS Player Header}
div.musicPlayerModule h3.moduleHead {background-image:url(Your Image URL);}
.K {Resize Player Module And Center Player}
div.musicPlayerModule {width:300px; text-align:center;}
.K {Resize And Center Player}
div.musicPlayerModule {text-align:center;}
div.musicPlayerModule object {width:50px; height:51px;}
You will have only the 'Play/Stop Button' on your profile.
If you have the 'Myspace PlayList Player', adjust the colored numbers.
.K {Hide MS Player Module}
div.musicPlayerModule {display:none;}
.K {Change Background Color Of MS Player Module}
div.musicPlayerModule {background-color:red; width:300px; text-align:center;}
.K {Add Background Image To MS Player Module}
div.musicPlayerModule {background-image:url(Your Image URL); width:300px; text-align:center;}
.K {Add Borders To Player Module}
div.musicPlayerModule {border:3px solid red;}
.K {Add Borders Just To The Player}
div#musicPlayer {border:3px solid red;}
div.musicPlayerModule div.moduleBody {text-align:center;}
.K {Rounded Player Module Borders}
div.musicPlayerModule {border:3px solid red;
-moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px;}
.K {Scrollable Player Module}
div.musicPlayerModule {overflow:auto; height:50px;}
.K {Scrollable Player Module Body}
div.musicPlayerModule div.moduleBody {overflow:auto; height:50px;}