This Image will appear 'ONLY' on your profile page. The picture you have already
chosen as 'DEFAULT' will be the one that appears furthermore everywhere on Myspace.
Dies Bild wird 'NUR' auf deiner Profil-Seite erscheinen. Das Bild, du bereits
als 'STANDARD' festgelegt hast, wird weiterhin überall auf Myspace zu sehen sein.
.KhAk {Oversizing Def. Picture}
div.basicInfoModule a img {display:none;}
div.basicInfoModule {
width:290px; height:280px;
background-image: url(Photo URL);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center center;
border:3px solid gray;
div.basicInfoDetails div.profileDemographics {position:relative; float:right;
width:590px; margin-top:60px;
div.basicInfoDetails h2, div.basicInfoDetails blockquote {display:block; padding-left:125px; }
div.basicInfoDetails div.pageLinks em {float:left; padding-left:130px; margin-right:150px;
div.basicInfoDetails div.pageLinks ul {padding-left:125px;}
Set it to the width/height of your Photo.
Replace "Photo URL" with your Own image URL.
Adjust the Border around your Photo div (if you wish).
Resize and move the Blue Box (Age, Location, Last Login etc.) down/up.
Fix the position of Profile Name, Status and Mood (Move to the right).
Move "ViewMy" to the right, and make a line break (otherwise the links won't work).
Move "Photos, Videos, Blog" to the right.
a): I suggest you don't use an image that is wider than 300px.
b): You will have more gap between "your name" and "status & mood" in IE as in FF.