Montag, 1. Dezember 2008


Profile 2.0 Middle Area

.K {Transparent Whole Middle Area}
div#header, div#googlebar, div#topnav, div.content, div.content div.moduleBody, div.module div,
div.content h3.moduleHead, div.module div.userComment, div.module li.moduleItem,
div.module div.moduleMid li {background-color:transparent; background-image:none;}
div#topnav ul {border-right:0px;}
div#topnav ul li {border-left: 0px;}

.K {Change Background Color Of Whole Middle Area}
div#header, div#googlebar, div#topnav, div.content, div.content div.moduleBody, div.module div,
div.content h3.moduleHead, div.module div.userComment, div.module li.moduleItem,
div.module div.moduleMid li {background-color:transparent; background-image:none;}
div#topnav ul {border-right:0px;}
div#topnav ul li {border-left: 0px;}
div.wrap {background-color:red;}

.K {Add Background Image To Whole Middle Area}
div#header, div#googlebar, div#topnav, div.content, div.content div.moduleBody, div.module div,
div.content h3.moduleHead, div.module div.userComment, div.module li.moduleItem,
div.module div.moduleMid li {background-color:transparent; background-image:none;}
div#topnav ul {border-right:0px;}
div#topnav ul li {border-left: 0px;}
div.wrap {background-image: url(Your Image URL);}

.K {Transparent Middle Area}
div.content, div.content div.moduleBody, div.module div,
div.content h3.moduleHead, div.module div.userComment,
div.module li.moduleItem,div.module div.moduleMid li {
background-color:transparent; background-image:none;}

.K {Change Background Color Of Middle Area}
div.content, div.content div.moduleBody, div.module div,
div.content h3.moduleHead, div.module div.userComment,
div.module li.moduleItem,div.module div.moduleMid li {background-color:red;}

.K {Add Background Image To Middle Area}
div.content, div.content div.moduleBody, div.module div,
div.content h3.moduleHead, div.module div.userComment,
div.module li.moduleItem,div.module div.moduleMid li {background-image: url(Your Image URL);}

.K {Transparent Middle Area}
div.content, div.content div.moduleBody, div.module div,
div.content h3.moduleHead, div.module div.userComment,
div.module li.moduleItem,div.module div.moduleMid li,
div#footer {background-color:transparent; background-image:none;}

.K {Change Background Color Of Middle Area}
div.content, div.content div.moduleBody, div.module div,
div.content h3.moduleHead, div.module div.userComment,
div.module li.moduleItem,div.module div.moduleMid li,
div#footer {background-color:red;}

.K {Add Background Image To Middle Area}
div.content, div.content div.moduleBody, div.module div,
div.content h3.moduleHead, div.module div.userComment,
div.module li.moduleItem,div.module div.moduleMid li,
div#footer {background-image: url(Your Image URL);}


Welcome To KhAk's Design - Profile 2.0 ----- Enjoy! Copyright 2006-2010 by KhAk